
A Day To Remember

Good morning sun! You woke us at dawn. I opened my eyes and greeted you from this huge bed and then we both went back to sleep. Around 8 o’clock (by now the butler knows our waking time) coffee was served and we enjoyed it sitting on the big cushions outside our villa. We then had a shower admiring the ocean and went down for breakfast. After the typical English breakfast we had yesterday today we opted for a healthy one with yoghurt, fruit and cereals.
The tide is ebbing, therefore we decide to take a pleasant walk along the beach listening to the song of the birds that here live undisturbed.

Back in Jua and after a refreshing fruit juice we return to our villa and to our private swimming pool. From up here the view is incredible and we are in the water up to our shoulders with the sun warming our bodies and the wind caressing us – you and I free to love each other.
Lunch time. The restaurant displays an inviting array of dishes. I prepare my own salad choosing from my favourite vegetables while you go for the grilled fish. The sun is at its zenith so we retreat to our love nest for a bit of intimacy.
A plunge in the sea or in the pool? This is our afternoon dilemma. We decide to take both and then lie side by side on the big beds in the garden.
At sundown the staff has prepared an aperitif to drink where we wish. I wanted to drink it on the beach but you preferred the big cushions in our villa. It was fantastic … but tomorrow I will surprise you!
Getting ready for dinner we try to guess where our table will be tonight … dining with you, barefooted and under the stars is romantic. We cuddle while sipping a cocktail and then go back to our love nest caressed by the wind.
Thanks Jua for another unforgettable day and, if possible, we feel even more in love with each other.

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9.8 / 10
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Winner 2024